Friday, 17 May 2013

Super Twins Rock NASCAR

Dearest SGE fans let me introduce you two of the drivers for the SR2 Motorsports Nationwide team.  They are the only twins to have run in a Nationwide race at the same time and they are a couple of drivers I know that the SGE family can get behind and support - Amber and Angela Cope.

For those of you that have followed racing, their name should be familiar as their uncle is none other than Daytona 500 winner Derricke Cope.  According to their website, “The pair of blonde bombshells began developing their driving chops by the age of nine.”  They started as go-kart drivers in the home state of Washington, but have moved to North Carolina to be closer to the NASCAR world.  Not only are they drivers for the SR2 Motorsports team, they have their own line of clothing and have their own hair salon.

The Copes are currently in need of sponsors for their race team, and while someday GuysNation will likely be one of their sponsors, for now we would like to help spread the word about this exciting team and find them additional supporters.  One thing which will likely excite fans and help convince people to throw the ladies some support is their website, in particular the video at the bottom of the twin’s page. GuysNation needs to have drivers like the Cope sisters out there succeeding.  We are currently working out the details of an interview with the Cope Twins, so keep an eye out for future articles.  Coverage will also include their teammate Benny Gordon as he drives #24 in the Nationwide series for S2Motorsports.

Some of the NASCAR girls

You can follow the Copes on Twitter @AmberAngelaCope

You can follow their teammate Benny Gordon @BennyGordon72

And their team @Sr2Motorsports

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